P-R-A-Y! The effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much! … But how do we start?
Scripture Studies
Life catches up with me more times than what I’d like to admit!
I’ll be doing great, do my daily readings, tuning in to my favorite Shabbat Service (and they live stream, yay!) and listening to praise and worship type music.
Before I know it, I’m out of that groove. When was the last time I picked up my bible? How long has it been since I tuned in for a service? What have I been filling my cup with?
“Do not TELL me what God you serve… SHOW me by the commandments you keep!”
I wanted to challenge myself in not only doing my own reading but to also provide quick, 5 minute reads that will hopefully provide someone a glimpse into the love and peace I find from my Heavenly Father.
Thus, Scripture Studies was curated!
Sabbath on the Seventh Day
When is the Sabbath? Isn’t that only for the Jews? Let’s dive in for a quick overview of the day our Creator has deemed kodesh!
Heavens Declare
Digging into the Heavens and the gift God has given to us!
Shema; listen AND obey.
Be sure to bookmark my site for a quick and easy access for quenching words your soul may be thirsting for!